11 Melaleuca Court, GREENVALE QLD 4816

Sold $44,000


This 1019m2 block of land is located in the township of Greenvale and is a perfect building block.

Greenvale is located 203 kilometres north of Charters Towers along the Gregory Development Road and is in the midst of gem fields and areas of valuable minerals. The population of Greenvale today is 150, but is expected to burgeoning into the thousands with future planned development…

* The Agri Power fertiliser rail project could create 490 construction jobs and 470 ongoing jobs in the area when construction is finished. This is a $663 Million project.

* The Australian Rare Minerals group is conducting preliminary surveys in the area with the view to commencing operations. The Australian Federal Govt have announced in the budget that they are relying on these minerals to put the country back in the black internationally.

* The Sconi Project is a world class, low cost, 100% owned, sustainable and ethical source of advanced battery materials in Queensland, Australia. This US$1 billion project, including a 2 million tonne per annum ore processing plant for mixed nickel-cobalt hydroxide precipitate (MHP), is estimated to support 800 jobs and increase Gross Regional Product by A$2.2 billion over its 30-year life. The plant will be located in Greenvale.

* The Australian Singapore Military Training Initiative (ASMTI) will be located near Greenvale in a 310,000 hectare training area, with many of the personnel being housed off-base.

* There’s talk of a new airport and other infrastructure to come to this area.

* A new weather and tracking station ($1b) is already operating in Greenvale.

* Telecommunications for the area have almost finished being upgraded and will be operational in months.

Call Lorraine Martin on 0419 755 109 to discuss an offer.

Property Features
  • Land is 1,019 m²
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